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You’re getting this email because you are a Last Money In reader and you’ve poked around on our free newsletter (which has already become the #1 newsletter on SPVs with almost 50,000 subscribers), but you haven’t gotten the most out of your membership by unlocking access to the top venture capital opportunities!

Enter Deal Sheet 

Our promise with Deal Sheet: We will provide you access to at least 10 top tier venture capital deals in your first quarter.  

And today, we are letting readers try Deal Sheet for free here!

Our company will guarantee you three key results with Deal Sheet…

#1 - We’ll provide you Insider Access to top 5% VC Deals

We leverage co-investments with 25+ top venture capital funds and curate them for you. This means you gain early access to deals that have already passed through some of the industry's most discerning filters. You're not just investing; you're investing alongside the startup opportunities reserved for the top venture capitalists.

#2 - We’ll provide Continuous Deal Flow every week

Through our global network, we conduct 24/7 deal-hunting to uncover tier 1 VC co-investment opportunities. This means you'll have a steady stream of high-quality investment options. While other investors might see a handful of deals a year, you'll have access to a carefully curated selection of top-tier opportunities.

#3 - We’ll provide you Significant Carry Reduction

Deal Sheet members get their carry cut in half - 10% carry instead of the standard 20% across all 100-250+ deals. This means more of your returns stay in your pocket. Over time, this can translate to substantially higher net returns on your investments.

We GUARANTEE these results. 

 Now, why can we make such a bold promise like this? It’s simple… look at our track record:

We’ve invested hundreds of millions into over 500 startups and have had thousands of silicon valley elite back our deals including the founders of Dropbox, Wordpress and Bitgo and investors at Blackrock Tiger Global, Insight Partners, Craft, Andreessen Horowitz, KKR and Apollo.

Essentially, we've added millions in potential value to our members' portfolios.

  • Connor, a sales executive, invested $15k into a seed round for a company whose valuation has skyrocketed ~65x in just a few years.

  • Tod, a technology founder, turned a $10,000 investment into over $250,000 by accessing a software company we brought to him.

  • Helen invested alongside industry giants like Sequoia, Craft, Andreessen, Founders Fund, Accel, and Thrive Capital in just a single year through our platform.

These success stories aren't outliers – they're the kind of opportunities we consistently bring to our members, allowing them to build venture portfolios alongside the most respected names in tech investing.

We only take on a limited number of accredited investors a year to ensure our members can access all of our opportunities. So don't waste any more time missing out on the tier 1 venture deals, Click below now to try the Deal Sheet Free Trial.

Sign up for a free trial for Deal Sheet here  


Zach & Alex